War of the chosen factions
War of the chosen factions

New World has three factions Marauder, Covenant, and Syndicate. In the New World Company system, which has a hierarchy management style, the higher your Rank, the more your powers. The three Factions in New World The Syndicate. New World – Random Tips & Tricks (Beta) New World – Beginner’s Tips New World – Resources, Crafting & Trade Market New World – Efficient Leveling Guide (Level In the MMO New World, you will be faced with a choice of what faction to join. You can see your progress to the next Territory Standing Level by viewing the Territory on the World Map. These include the Covenant, Marauders and Syndicate, and they each have their own background story and goals.

  • In New World, players have a set Faction reputation for each of the five ranks they can earn in their faction.
  • Factions in New World are large groups of people allied to one cause.
  • There are 4 active Ranks in total in the Companies.
  • war of the chosen factions

    Note: If you never completed a single mission as a Marauder and your rank is at 0 you will need 16 runs, which In the MMO New World, you will be faced with a choice of what faction to join.

    War of the chosen factions